Housing Technology 2014/15 - Market Intelligence
Housing Technology 2014/15 - Market Intelligence
Sponsored by Aareon, our seventh annual report focuses on the state of IT in the UK social housing sector. This report is based on an independent online survey carried out by Housing Technology, using data submitted by senior IT executives from 250+ UK social housing providers.
Based on consolidated survey responses from housing providers of all sizes, the Housing Technology 2014/15 report benchmarks the use of existing business applications & technology infrastructures, predicts future IT plans, assesses changing delivery models, measures technology budgets, and analyses IT staff and resource metrics. The outline findings from the Housing Technology 2014/15 market intelligence the report include:
- Business goals for IT strategies: better tenant communications and improved levels of tenant satisfaction, combined with a focus on achieving cost efficiencies and value for money, are the main business goals for housing providers’ IT strategies.
- Past two years’ IT achievements: the introduction of or enhancements to mobile working and dynamic job scheduling are the most common achievements by housing providers’ IT teams.
- Next two years’ IT goals: the mobile trend is set to continue apace, comfortably outstripping the consolidation of existing IT systems and the need to channel-shift tenants.
- Plans for core applications: mobile working, housing management and asset management are the most likely applications to be implemented or enhanced within the next two years.
- Plans for non-core applications: self-service tools, apps and social media are the most likely technology areas for adoption or enhancements within the next 12-18 months.
- IT delivery models: housing providers continue to use their own on-premise IT infrastructures and data centres; most other external IT delivery models are expected to be used less in the next year.
- IT budget allocations: housing providers are spending around 40 per cent of their IT budgets on ‘business as usual’ and around 42 per cent on the capital and operational costs of new IT projects.
Order this Report
- Housing providers, local authorities, government agencies & other end-user organisations: the report costs £995.00 plus VAT, payable by invoice. Please note that the cost of the report also includes a two-day pass to the Housing Technology 2015 conference.
- IT companies, consultancies & business service providers: the report costs £3,495.00 plus VAT, payable by invoice.
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