Accent Foundation has announced that it is piloting the Call-2-Survey tool from The Housing Contact Company to double the response rates of its repairs satisfaction surveys. Accent’s repairs satisfaction feedback service now starts with an automatic phone call the day after the repair was completed. The outcome of the call is logged to give Accent…
Accent’s good call with Call-2-SurveyRead More →
Accent Group
Complaints drop by 85% at Accent Peerless with Jabbakam
A new web-based CMTV (community-monitored TV) system from Jabbakam has been used by Surrey-based Accent Peerless since October 2011 to combat anti-social behaviour. The Jabbakam system, which cost just £1,250, is intended to replace traditional CCTV with a social media-friendly surveillance system which is as simple to use as Facebook. Jabbakam provides real-time images, historical…
Complaints drop by 85% at Accent Peerless with JabbakamRead More →
Accent’s £750,000 deal with MIS
Accent Group has awarded a five-year contract worth around £750,000 to MIS Active Management Systems based around the supplier’s ActiveH housing management system. The ‘Tristar’ project encompasses the combined housing operations of Accent Group, Bromford Group and Accord Housing Association and is scheduled to be operational during autumn 2011. Stuart Duthie, head of ICT, Accent…
Accent’s £750,000 deal with MISRead More →
Accent selects £170,000 HR saving
Accent Group is saving £170,000 per year by automating routine HR tasks with a new web-based system from Select Software. Accent Group, which provides homes for 50,000 people across the UK and employs 700 people, has re-engineered its HR services. The housing provider, which is Select Software’s first customer for its Select HR Web Edition,…
Accent selects £170,000 HR savingRead More →