Soho Housing is set to deploy Evo’s property management platform in a trial project to fully digitise its repairs service. During the trial, Evo will take over responsibility for the management and delivery of all repairs, contractors and documentation relating to around 25 per cent of Soho Housing’s properties. Evo will give residents an app…
Soho Housing’s digital repairs with EvoRead More →
Mobile Working
Flagship selects Totalmobile for repairs
Totalmobile’s Connect software for scheduling repairs is now being deployed across Flagship Group’s operations. Connect will be used by Flagship’s staff and tenants to schedule maintenance and repairs work, while also providing real-time data on the status of all projects and employees in one place. Almost 500 Flagship employees were trained on Connect during April…
Flagship selects Totalmobile for repairsRead More →
Lewisham Homes takes on Localz for ‘last mile’ communications
Lewisham Homes has recently deployed Track My Appointment and Rate My Experience software from Localz to provide its tenants with automated ‘last mile’ updates around repairs and maintenance appointments. Sarah Willcox-Jones, director of repairs, Lewisham Homes, said, “We look forward to seeing the difference this technology makes to our residents. We know that they want…
Lewisham Homes takes on Localz for ‘last mile’ communicationsRead More →
Your Housing’s 30% boost with FLS
Your Housing Group has improved the efficiency of its field operations with the Visitour scheduling software from FLS – Fast Lean Smart, achieving a 30 per cent increase in productivity for its operatives. Following a strategic review of its operational efficiencies towards achieving value for money and customer satisfaction targets, YHG embarked on an IT…
Your Housing’s 30% boost with FLSRead More →
Hyde signs repairs contract with Totalmobile
Totalmobile has won a three-year contract with Hyde Group to extend the use of its field-service and dynamic scheduling software across the housing provider’s wider operations, including asset management, building safety, neighbourhoods and safer homes. Mark Batchelor, director of property services, Hyde Group, said, “When we first contracted with Totalmobile, we wanted a unified solution…
Hyde signs repairs contract with TotalmobileRead More →
Capital Letters partners with Evo Digital to tackle homelessness
Capital Letters is moving its repairs, maintenance and compliance services to an online, tenant-driven platform from Evo Digital to improve how the company tackles homelessness in London. Capital Letters was established in 2019 in response to London’s homelessness crisis and is funded by the government’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). Evo comprises…
Capital Letters partners with Evo Digital to tackle homelessnessRead More →